Beyond Four Walls

Your physical place of residence. A familiar or comforting setting. Your origin or place of birth. Your family.
Where do you call home?
An original song-cycle exploring what “home” means to four different characters at one moment in time. Interwoven stories of building and breaking, of searching and returning, of longing and belonging.
Writer Cally Castell and Rutene Spooner
Director Stephanie McKellar-Smith
Musical Director Andy Manning -
Fork and Spoon
Cally Castell – independent singer/songwriter, recent theatre experience includes HMS Pinafore (Ben McDonald National Tour), The Tempest (AUSA Summer Shakespeare at the Pop-Up Globe), Love and Information (Last Tapes), Connect The Dots (original cabaret for Hotspot).
Rutene Spooner – recent writing credits: Matariki, Little Eyes in The Sky (Court Theatre), Nek Level: Surviving the Quarter-Life Crisis (Orange Studios – writer and solo performer), Maui and The Sun (Court Theatre). Acting credits: The Choice (Blue Baths), Avenue Q (Showbiz Christchurch), Grease (Court Theatre)
Andy Manning
Bronwyn Turei
Cally Castell
Rutene Spooner