Glass Ceilings
Show 2 | 14 – 15 September

In 1993 Susan Jordan choreographed “Bone of Contention” for the 100th celebration of NZ Women’s Suffrage. This was in Wellington with her professional company, Jordan & Present Co. and received critical acclaim. “Glass Ceilings” starts where “Bone of Contention” ended, white hankies and masks of Kate Sheppard but moves to climbing the corporate ladder. This work differs in some ways – the performers are all seniors aged from 72 to 80, but have issues really changed? Women today are still fighting for pay equity, protection from domestic and sexual violence and climbing corporate ladders in order to shatter glass ceilings.
Choreographer Susan Jordan (Auckland, NZ)
Independent Dance Company SeniorsDANCE Company -
SeniorsDANCE Company is a community dance company for seniors 65+ part of the new wave of Creative Ageing. SeniorsDANCE works on a project-by-project basis with Susan Jordan as AD, choreographer and producer. Jordan has worked as a dance professional in many capacities over the past five decades. With Jordan & Present Co she choreographed 12 major works funded by CNZ and many commissions. She founded Dance Studies at University of Auckland. Established the DANZ Tamaki office and was Regional Manager for 10 years. Jordan has an MA in dance from American University DC and is an elder of the NZ dance community.
Briar Wilson
Dick Lane
Gillian Taylor
Jocelyn Cullen
Mary Inomate
Phyllis Olsen