Close Enough
Show 1 | 2 – 4 September

Fiona is a disgruntled indoor cat who finds herself suddenly transplanted to a new home when her owner moves in with her boyfriend and the couple adopts a new kitten, Prometheus. Like all kittens, Prometheus is lively and curious, and Fiona finds herself in an awkward position when the two cats happen to witness their humans “mating”.
Writer Kellie Powell (New York, USA)
Director Carl Drake -
Carl has been involved with a number of plays at Short + Sweet as both actor and director since 2013. He has directed a number of plays in various theatres and is looking forward to directing in this years S+S with a wonderfully funny play by one of his favourite playwrights Kellie Powell.
Mia Maramara
Zoe Gilmore -
Cafe Theatre