
Earth was created for all life,
not just human life.Life on earth in current times protraits a self-destructive human society in various levels, we all are well informed about it but how many of us are aware enough of our role as individuals? ….Earthlings, is our definition of inhabitants on this planet. It explores in an intimate scale the ability as human beings to listen beyond our ears…Ever wonder what intuition actually is? Well look no further than your skin,the fascial matrix which covers all your muscles, nerves, arteries and veins, organs, bones: in fact every structure in our bodies. It’s the skin of things. Everything needs a skin to contain and support itself.
Fascia is more than just a sensory organ for the body, it is also highly sensitive to the world around us including other people and other forms of life. If we learn to listen to our fascia we can begin to feel its ability to relate to other fascias and understand that life has a different meaning than the one that “society“ wants us to believe. -
Eric Beltran
Eric is a dancer/choreographer. He trained in Berlin and Strasbourg in the fields of instant composition, contemporary movement research and body landscaping. Besides completed his Yoga Teacher Training in India, he also holds a degree in Architecture and Fine Arts.
The main focus of his practice is the application and spatialization of physiological information in the communicative – mostly choreographic – context.
Eric Beltran
Allow Create Release Destroy – Deirdre Tunney