Four Minutes.

Our work is about time; how perception changes it’s length and forms it into a fluid entity. Even when trying to ignore the impact it has on our lives, it’s impossible to disregard that our lives are firmly rooted in the concept of time.
Charlotte Evans & Helene Burgstaller (Pardon Me Dance Theatre)
Charlotte Evans studied dance at Northern School of Contemporary Dance and London Contemporary Dance School. She currently lives in Raglan and teaches ballet.
Helene Burgstaller studied contemporary dance at Unitec. Since then she’s been freelancing for Waikato Contemporary Dance Trust and Touch Compass Dance Trust. She teaches dance classes in Paeroa.
Both Charlotte and Helene are dance school drop outs. -
Charlotte Evans
Helene Burgstaller
Samir Harith -
Who Knows Where the Time Goes? – Nina Simone