
We make, we create a layer. We envelop to protect; we cover but not to hide; we shelter; we cloak, shield and embrace. We shroud the self to show the self. Our shroud has no pockets.
Leah Carrell
Leah Carrell is a dance theatre artist currently based in Auckland. Leah has choreographed full length show Ocean Between My Feet (Dunedin, 2013) and co-choreographed Mo(u)ld which premiered at the Dunedin Fringe Festival (2016). Before doing her contemporary dance training at Unitec Leah trained in theatre, dance, and Māori studies at the University of Otago. As an establishing dance theatre artist, Leah is interested in site-specific work, Practice-as-Research, improvisation, and interdisciplinary collaboration -this current project is a cross-over of all these approaches to making movement!
Bridget Carrell is a sewing and craft artist with a particular interest in a sustainable approach to making. She predominantly makes clothes and is learning to design patterns. Her growing interest in the wider possibilities of what and how we can use material makes this project an exciting collaboration between fabric and movement and Bridget looks forward to the future developments of Shroud.
Leah Carrell
Bridget Carrell -
In the Fog – Tim Hecker