
Auckland. Dysfunctional, out of proportion.
A city that feels like things are just out of reach.
A short but sweet little solo for the average Joe.
Shani Dickins
Shani Dickins graduated from Unitec in 2011 with a Bachelor of performing and screen arts majoring in contemporary dance.
Since then has performed in and choreographed her own full length works such as Demigod/half Human and Tassel me this in collaboration with Jessie McCall.
Both works participating in Fringe festivals around New Zealand, Tempo dance festival Auckland and Body festal Christchurch.Both works were nominated and received various awards including best dance, best production design and best show of Dunedin Fringe 2015.
She now is chugging along.
Rosa Strati
Poi E – Patea Maori Club
Gutter Black – Hello Sailor