Dirt Deep
Show 2 | 14 – 15 September

Talking about serious environmental concerns in a not so serious way. The duet conversates humorously through contrasting perspectives.
Choreographers Deborah Fletcher & Evie Logan (Auckland & Wellington, NZ)
Deborah and Evie, are in their final year of studying a Bachelor of Dance Studies at the University of Auckland. Recently travelling to Kuala Lumpur attending an international dance festival they have continued to grow as emerging artists. They are interested in the interaction between improvisation, text and choreographic intention.Deborah travelled on the Dance Studies Asia Tour, where her collaborative choreographic piece, “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” was performed. Evie have most recently performed with the Jang Huddle collective in Iron Eyes soon after she returned from her professional development dance exchange in New York.
Deborah Fletcher
Evie Logan