聚变 (Fusion)
Show 2 | 14 – 15 September

Sika Dance Crew is a multicultural group of dancers from all around the world: Chinese, Singaporean, Japanese, European, Kiwi and Samoan. Each member is trained and skilled in different styles of dance and we wished to reflect this melting pot of culture and movement styles within our piece; using hiphop as our foundation. Our aim is to explore how dance can transcend language barriers and combine different dance disciplines into a harmonious fusion of our personal histories, culture and connection with one another as a team.
Choreographer Jaime Scott & Dani Weaver (Auckland, NZ)
Independent Dance Company Sika Dance Crew -
Sika Dance Crew was founded in June, 2016 by Sunny Sun and Anna Wang. We started off small as a 7 person crew that loved dance and creating with one another. Over the last 2.5 years we have expanded into 24 members with 8 passionate performance members. We wish to be a fluid crew, that explores new styles and fusions, is open and friendly with other creatives and continues to push boundaries together as a team.
John Bernardo
Jaime Scott
Dani Weaver
Maki Sumida
Charles Wong
Ping Ping Pua
John Khew
Cindy Jang