Iron Eyes
Group 2 | 8 – 9 September

Welcome to the zone of Iron Eyes. Lay down your assumptions.
Expect the unexpected perception.
We’ll be playing in the light.
Do not be afraid of the invitation.
Hoped for more? This is a short excerpt from the upcoming show at the Basement theatre from 3rd-7th of October. Come, relinquish your agency.
Choreographer Cindy Jang (Auckland, NZ)
Independent Dance Company Jang’s gang -
Cindy Jang is interested in the relationships between politics and choreography. She continues to pursue the shifting of experienced roles between audience and participants. Her fields of interest in research include focusing on sustainability through community dance, she discovered this interest when she went to Thailand for 2 months, for her summer scholarship research.
The piece Iron Eyes has stemmed from her postgraduate choreographic paper and is going to be extended for the spring season at the basement theatre from the 3rd-7th of October.
Keren Feltham
Jerrika Samuel
Ayden Smith
Alaina Te Rore
Bethany Laylock
Semira Mariner