Still deciding
Group 2 | 8 – 9 September

Still deciding, is about the idea of dressing, how clothing defines who we are and how people define us based on what we wear. This piece works with the changes we create upon each other’s skin.
Choreographer Renee Richards (Auckland, NZ)
Renee Richards, competed her Bachelor of Dance Studies in 2015. She Co-choreographed How We Tessellate at the Basement Theatre in 2016 & Vacant 6 at the Auckland Fringe Festival in 2017. Renee was a dance counsellor at camp America in New York for 3 months in 2016. For 2 years now, she has competed in the Street Dance NZ National Championships placing third qualifiying for HHI worlds. This year Renee is a dancer for a collective lead by Perri Exeter & Joash, competing her Honours in dance at The University of Auckland and now the junior dance teacher at Rutherford College.
Amelia Chong
Zaviar Aroa
Taitanyk Toniu
Sione Fataua