Show 1 | 10 – 11 September

Judibana. Indigenous princess of Los Taque. Defender of her tribe and people, risk taker. This piece is an exploration of our boundaries and limits. Taking inspiration from Spanish flamenco, and Venezuelan joropo.
Choreographer Victoria Medina in collaboration with company (Auckland, NZ)
Victoria began her dance training in her home country, Venezuela. At 16, she moved to New Zealand and fell in love with Hip Hop and Urban Choreography. She is currently in her second year of Dance Studies at the University of Auckland. Her style is a fusion of everything she has been through. Victoria aims to bring to light latin/hispanic culture and traditions through her art.
Julia Aloalii
Zaviar Baker
Xyrene Cope
Gabrielle Gandionco
Manon Humphrey
Grace Leong
Kate Littlejohn
Victoria Medina
Cat Raynel
Sarah Walmsley