Show 2 | 13 – 14 September

LUMINOUS is a brief dictation of two beings exploring twilights eruption of colour and light. A physical representation of the infinite fixed luminous points that guide our slumber and potentially our fate. How would it feel to be gliding among the plumes of incandescent; STARS.
Choreographers Rewa Fowles and Sophie Greig
Rewa Fowles and Sophie Greig met in 2019 as collaborative freelancers based in Auckland. Both hold a strong interest in spontaneity and the otherworldly scape of space. Through the sharing of stories, observations and beliefs of the night sky LUMINOUS commenced, strengthening their appreciation of what is naturally there. Fowles from the University of Auckland, BA in Drama and Dance, and Greig from Unitec, Contemporary Dance combine their multitudes of creative media to condense their declarations of twilight into a brief scenic physical installation.
Rewa FowlesSophie Greig