Show 1 | 10 – 11 September

Who am I? Underneath the clothes, behind the eyes?
A string of breaths, a series of moments, blood slowly running. The ebb and flow.
What came before, that holds me now.
Do I hold it? Does it hold me?
This work explores what we have been gifted, given, entrusted with, thrust into, what has been passed on to us from the women that came before.
Blue eyes
big feet
a love of tea.
Choreographer Joanna Cook
Joanna Cook is a dance artist that loves to travel. She spent 11 years overseas working with dance makers such as Rafael Bonachela (SDC), Jason Winters (JWCT), Erica Sobol, Shaun Parker, Danielle Ohn (KCDC), Yamit Kalef (Ohad Naharin, Jiří Kylián), Idan Sharabi, Eyal Dadon, Oded Graff, Chisato Ohno (Batsheva).
She returned to her homeland in December 2019 in order to undertake a Post Graduate Diploma in Dance Studies at UoA. She is currently interested in researching the interweaving of text, vocalisation, soundscape, installation and choreographic forms to push her own and others fields of knowing and boundaries of embodiment.
Ella-Rose TewEmma CosgraveJoanna Cook