Manpreet’s Wedding Night
Show 2 | 6 – 9 September

Manpreet is nervous on his wedding night – and well he might be given the complications and expectations of modern marriage. Will Manpreet rises to the occasion ? or will he condemn his family to a lifetime of ridicule and damnation…
Writers Tim Booth & Aman Bajaj (Auckland, NZ)
Director Tim Booth & Aman Bajaj -
Junglee Productions
Last year’s S+S showcased Aman Bajaj and Tim Booth’s first collaboration as writers,directors and sex-shop-set-designers in the tragi-comedy-drama-satire ‘Manpreet’s Spicy Emporium, Life Coach & Business Mentor Pvt Ltd. (PhD)’. Aman’s Junglee Productions premiered at S+S 2014 with the well received ‘Dhotibaba’ , followed by ‘A.I East’ (2015) and the dark satire ‘DejaMoo’ (2016). Tim’s previous S+S contributions have included ‘Footprints to New Zealand’ (2014) and ‘The Marriage Bureau’ (2015) both written with his ‘first wife’ Sharu Delilkan.
Aman Bajaj