Show 1 | 2 – 4 September

Have you ever wished that you could go back in time and do something over again? Even just five minutes into the past to stop yourself from spilling a hot coffee all over your crotch, or even just to see what would happen? Well, we have just the shop for you!
Come into Timesavers, and we’ll help you save some time!
This short play will test your imagination about what is possible, and what isn’t all for twenty bucks! -
Writers Barry Wood (Lincolnshire, England)
Director Rebekah Dack -
Rebekah Dack is a recent graduate from Unitec’s Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts – majoring in acting. Before graduating she realised that to be a successful theatre and film practitioner in New Zealand, she needed to be more than just an actor. Since finishing drama school, she has been exploring producing, writing alongside acting. She is a co-founder of Embers Collective, a theatre company that had their debut show in Te Pou Theatre’s Rangatahi festival this year. A play that Rebekah wrote, Ludus, is also in Short + Sweet this year. This is her first time as a director.
Michael Brown
Lauren Mclay