No Need
Show 2 | 6 – 9 September

Lisa and Kate have moved from New Zealand to Florida to work in the happiest place on earth as entertainment interns. But the heat, the crowds, and the never-ending chirpy music is getting to them. Is slacker Kate going to lose her job? Is uptight Lisa losing her mind? And who really needs this late-stage capitalism, crass commercialism, high-fructose playground anyway?
Writer Claire Ahuriri-Dunning & Lauren Wilson (Auckland, NZ)
Directors James Dunning, Claire Ahuriri-Dunning & Lauren Wilson -
Pearangi Creative
Pearangi Creative is a North Shore-based theatre company less than a year old. Coming off an amateur production of Dracula in 2017, the script of which was shortlisted for the ADAM NZ Award, director/producers James Dunning, Claire Ahuriri-Dunning and Lauren Wilson wanted to stick together to create more works. They have filled 2018 with exciting projects, ranging from free school holiday plays for children in several Auckland Libraries, to a sell-out season of The Iliad. They are committed to elevating local theatre and talent by creating more opportunities and delighting audiences.
Claire Ahuriri-Dunning
Lauren Wilson