Play It With Flowers
SHOW 1 | 2 – 4 September

Play It With Flowers written by Kathy Walker with valued contribution from Ferooz Ashfar . The play is a parody on Paradise Lost. Lucifer’s successful temptation of Eve, drives not only Adam and Eve from paradise, but as Lucifer crows ‘ It’s everybody out.’ The flowers of the Garden find themselves banished too. On earth alone and scared they come across a wide guy, a shamrock with all the charm of the Irish.
Writer Kathy Walker & Ferooz Ashfar (Auckland, NZ)
Director Margaret Mary Hollins -
Marvellous Theatre Group
Marvellous Theatre Group formed in 2011as part of A.T.C. Engagement programme for senior citizens, 65 to 90 years with the spirit of ‘ never to old to play’ . Performances include T.S. Eliot’s epic poem The Waste Land; Auckland University Summer Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Margaret Mary Hollins guides the group in the Short And Sweet festival.
Ferooz Afshar
Victoria Carr
Elisabeth Degremont
Helen Jermyn
Denise Kent
Valerie Leech
Maurice Mehlhopt
Patricia Noonan
Josephine Power
Christina Pusztay
Mr Putt
Pat Quirk
Angela Reading
Lesley Reihana
Marianne Simpkins
Rosslyn Smillie
Kathy Walker