We are Y. And I am not an I.
Group 1 | 5 – 6 September

Follow the journey of a young girl. She is not a girl like you might imagine however, she is the embodiment of an entire generation. Generation Y; torn between finding freedom in their own dreams, and seeking acceptance within the realms of society. She is you, I, her, him, us. She is dark, light, a friend, a foe. But she is nothing, because nothing is everything. And everything is everywhere and has existed always. A turmoil of external and internal questions, can she find balance? More importantly, can we?
Choreographers Jerrika Samuel Albany (Auckland, NZ)
Independent Dance Company Followyourtoes -
First public choreography for new freelance dance company followyourtoes… encouraging young dancers to grow and develop experience health and happiness through creative dance performance and collaborative choreography
Jerrika Samuel