Show 2 | 13 – 14 September

the degrading cell
there is solitude, a
uni fy form + focus.
shadows and remanence
the falling.
We invite you to explore the cycle of renewal. Necessary loss is essential for growth. Are you conscious of this seamless state of transition, this unconscious level of being. What are we letting go of, and who are we leaving behind?
Choreographers Deborah Fletcher and Evie Logan (Auckland, NZ)
Deborah and Evie have recently graduated from their bachelor of Dance Studies at the University of Auckland. Collaborating a lot throughout their studies they have continued to explore shared ideas of interest. Most recently they collaborated in Auckland Fringe Festival 2019. In 2018 they travelled together to Malaysia to attend and perform in the International Arts Festival. Last year in Short + Sweet, Evie and Deborah danced and choreographed, Dirt Deep, which was also performed at the University of Auckland performance series. Currently they are exploring notions of multimedial dimensions of choreography.
Kerryanne MayhewNea BrinkStephen HidalgoKimberley Green