Blue Bayou
Group 1 | 5 – 6 September

When the lyrics of a country song meets the grace and beauty of Polynesian dance from the Cook Islands, Hawaii and Tahiti, the beauty in sadness manifests. Feelings of nostalgia and melancholy knows no boundaries amongst women and we hope that people of different backgrounds begin to appreciate the truthful meaning of ‘our’ dances.
Choreographers Tepaeru-Ariki Lulu French (Auckland, NZ)
Independent Dance Company Tiare Nui Dance Collective -
Tepaeru-Ariki was born and raised on the island of Aitutaki (Cook Is.) and has Cook Islands Maori, Tahitian Maori, Spanish and English ancestry. She has been a ‘tamure’ dancer from a very young age and continued since moving to Aotearoa. Tepaeru-Ariki has danced and choreographed national and international touring groups. She is a long standing member Auckland based Cook Islands dance group, Anuanua Dance Troupe and the founder of Tiare Nui Dance Collective. Tepaeru-Ariki is currently in her fifth year of study towards a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Auckland.
Maile Giffin
Dasha Tarasova
Ethel Falagi
Lulu French