The Sixth Wave
Show 2 | 13 – 14 September

Only, from the long line of spray Where the sea meets the moon-blanched land, Listen! you hear the grating roar Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, At their return, up the high strand, Begin, and cease, and then again begin, With tremulous cadence slow, and bring The eternal note of sixth wave in. An extract from Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold.
Choreographer Bhuvana Venkat
Independent Dance Company Artham Dance Compnay
ARTHAM Dance Company; Founded by Bhuvana Venkat and Padma Akula is a New Zealand based dance production company providing unique experience for its NZ audience, through exploratory and experimental story telling with an underpinning classical Indian dance form. Artham Dance Company is committed to showcasing original, engaging and exceptional work.
Kamshika Umasuthan
Eena Bajaj
Mythili Varma
Ruchika Rajkumar
Dharshana Ponnampalam
Sumedha Hariswamy