One Day in ISIS
Week 2 | 19 – 23 September

With their missions laid out and arms at the ready, it’s a big day of action for a small group of jihadists.
Writer Lisette de Jong (Auckland, NZ)
Director Lisette de Jong -
Little L Productions
Little L productions has produced four plays for previous Short+Sweet festivals, and the web series “It’s Mel!” This year the company welcomes Sahil Arora, Imran Khan and Raj Singh. Raj has acted in short films and on stage in previous Short+Sweet’s, garnering excellent reviews. Imran and Sahil have short film experience under their belts and are stepping onto the Short + Sweet stage for the first time, bringing their passion for acting and a desire to entertain, which is what we are all about.
Mark Scott
Raj Singh
Imran Khan
Sahil Arora