Nani’s Diary
Show 2 | 5 – 7 September

Struggling to fit in and find herself, a teenager looks to the diary of her grandmother for comfort. As the girl starts reading the entries, her great-great-grandmother manifests in full, flesh and bones, right in front of her eyes.
Writer Gayatri Adi (Auckland, NZ)
Director Sneha Shetty
ITC A Productions
A Productions is a newly formed company with the intent of showcasing stories of 2nd and 3rd generation immigrant children. As Elise M. Boulding once said, “storytelling bridges the generational gaps in ideology.” We aim to, through the stories shared through this platform, to bridge the gap between ‘what was’ and ‘what is’ in the hopes to provide a generational connection.
Sneha ShettyGayatri Adi