Theatre 2019 Season 1
- Auckland
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- Dance 2019 Season 2
- DANCE-2019
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- Film 2018 Season 2
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- Theatre 2018 Gala
- Theatre 2018 Gala Winners
- Theatre 2019 Season 1
- Theatre 2019 Season 2
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It Happens to a Lot of People
Sums Selvarajan Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

It Happens to a Lot of People
Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

When a woman shares her excitement over her long-awaited and much-wanted pregnancy, she is full of fun and joy over motherhood. Happy to let strangers touch her belly, she feels a baby belongs to everyone because we all celebrate new life and potential. When the pregnancy does not quite go to plan, she has to relive the experience and explore the highs as well as the depths of pregnancy. A one-woman show.
Writer Tanya M. Wheeler (Auckland, NZ)
Director Annie Whittaker
ITC Cafe Theatre -
Cafe Theatre, formed in 2018, is proud to present its second play for Short+Sweet, the first ‘Close Enough’, directed by Carl Drake, a cute play about a cat and a kitten observing their humans mating was well received. This years play, directed by Annie Whittaker, is Annie’s second Short & Sweet, having previously directed a play in 2014. Annie has both community and professional experience in theatre in Auckland, and is currently working on projects for Dolphin Theatre, and is an executive member of the Auckland Community Theatre Trust and co-ordinates their SHOWDOWN theatre competition for senior high school students.
Romy Hooper

Jin Koo Kim Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

SHOW 1 | 1 – 3 September

“My name is Izzy and welcome to my class. Stand up straight and listen – it’s for your own good.”
Writer Jimmy Fox
Director Terry Hooper
ITC Crossfade Productions
The newly rekindled Crossfade Productions is back with a bang, creating new, interesting theatre which isn’t interested in being nice. Creative director, Terry Hooper’s goal is to create work which pushes our casts and crews to grow as practitioners while creating something meaningful for our audiences. Our first show the critically acclaimed Not About Heroes succeeded, achieving all these core principles. We then spent the last few years producing Gary Henderson writer’s course; where as a team we have brought to life over 35 original, developing pieces. Outside of Crossfade, we love to collaborate together using many different hats.
Denise SnoadMeg Sara AndrewsTatiana HotereJulia Rutherford

Cow’s Crossing: A Monologue
Jin Koo Kim Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

Cow’s Crossing: A Monologue
Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

The mad inner workings of a woman on her daily bike ride thru Cornwall Park.
Writers & Director Mary Granfors (Auckland, NZ)
ITC G-force Productions
Mary Granfors is incredibly mooo-ved and grateful to be involved with her third Short + Sweet Festival.
Raj SinghDenise Snoad

Jin Koo Kim Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

Sal and Bes are falling in love. But can they have a true connection in this not-too-distant future world, where brain-stem implants are the new smartphones? With the technology ever-present in their lives, interrupting their interactions, analysing their every move, and dictating what their next one should be, can they find a path together even though they are not a good “match?” Sal wants to escape the tech and live a life free from all the distractions, but will Bes be able to give it up too?
Writer and Director Kate Rylatt (Auckland, NZ)
ITC Anything At All Productions
After an almost ten-year snooze from the theatre world, during which she made two humans, Kate Rylatt has recently ploughed her way back into the Auckland theatre scene, first as the Marketing Manager at Basement Theatre in 2017 and 2018, and more recently as an ensemble cast member in Fleshies (dir Bryony Skillington). Kate is an actor, writer, director, and occasional producer, and formed Anything At All Productions with producer and friend, Nadine Brown, in 2019.
Todd WatersAun Sukijjakhamin

How Do You Like Your Eggs?
Jin Koo Kim Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

How Do You Like Your Eggs?
Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

Roll up, Roll Up… come and watch a couples rollercoaster ride as they navigate their way through the emotionally intense IVF process. Hold onto your seats for a spectacle wracked with hormones and a lot of waiting!
Writers Ruth Wynne and David Capstick (Auckland, NZ)
Director Dawn Glover
ITC Wooden Rabbit Theatre
Musician Steven Logan
Animation Liam Maguren
DOP Sarah Dawes
Dramaturge Dione Joseph
Dawn Glover is thrilled to be directing How Do You Like Your Eggs! Dawn is a founder and Artistic Director of Navi Collaborative and the co-founder of Chocolate Lantern Theatre. Dawn has a deep passion for new theatre works and is excited to be a part of a festival that brings new works and artists from all kinds of backgrounds to the stage. When Dawn isn’t directing, acting, or singing you can find her teaching on-screen acting classes for Kacie Stetson Studio or having a run around this beautiful city that all we call home.
Ruth WynneDavid Capstick

A Serious Actor
Jin Koo Kim Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

A Serious Actor
Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

A Serious Actor is asked to ” fill in !” when the next item on the Christmas Variety Show is a no show. While prepared for his selection of Shakespearean soliloquies in the second half, he isn’t prepared for this!
Writers David Charteris (Auckland, NZ)
Director Wolfgang Schmidt
ITC King and I Productions
King and I Productions was set up to produce David’s solo show ” One of Those” at Q Theatre and at Garnet Station’s Tiny Theatre.
David CharterisWolfgang Schmidt

The Beach
Jin Koo Kim Theatre 2018 Gala, Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

The Beach
Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

“What do you think would have happened if I had asked you out that day instead of him?” Two humans collide on a New Year’s beach party, and play a game of ‘what if…’
Writer Ashleigh Hook (Auckland, NZ)
Director Prema Cottingham
Prema Cottingham is new to the directing game. She has Assistant directed on three successful theatre productions, Pardon Me Alan Turing and Welcome to Self Co. (both with Theatrewack). The most recent work was on a play she helped devise and co-wrote: (on) Whatipu (with Navi Collaborative) as was part of the Auckland Fringe Festival. Also earlier this year she co-wrote/directed her first short film ‘My Flatmate is a Monster’. The Beach marks her debut working solo as a director, and she is excited to bring her experience working as an actor for many years to this new challenge.
Raluca BotezanTrajano Leydet

Jin Koo Kim Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

When you get dressed in the morning, do you think about how the world is going to view you? What does it take to look professional, to look desirable, to fit in with society. What does it take to look like…you? A day in the life of someone trying to answer those questions.
Writers Sarita Das (Auckland,NZ)
Director Sananda Chatterjee (Auckland, NZ)
ITC Rotiboi Productions
Rotiboi Productions is a new initiative that aims to tackle the complexities of race, gender and sexuality through theatre and music. This is their debut piece. Directed by Sananda, who has been with Prayas Theatre NZ since 2005, most recently assisting on their critically acclaimed co-production of A Fine Balance with Auckland Theatre Company. This is her sixth year and seventh show at Short and Sweet Theatre!”
Sarita DasArti KansaraLubomira TzantovJatinder Singh