Monthly Archives: August 2016

Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2


Duality explores the body as two separate beings – the mind & the soul, the weird & the normal, the animal & the human. The question remain: which one is “right”, can we not just embrace both?
Amelia Chong
After having completed her Bachelor of Dance Studies at the University of Auckland recently, Amelia is excited to be embarking on a journey of exploration and discovery into the active collaboration and learning among artists so as to create high intensity performances with the incorporation of technical mastery, as well as a unique concept. Amelia believes that there is a growing appreciation for dance as a whole, both the physicality of the art, and also the effect of dance in relation to the world. Thus, she looks forward to being part of the creative process of exploration and collaboration, to find out further potentials of dance as a whole.
Amelia Chong
Dionysus – Jocelyn Pook
Put it – Shlohmo

Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2


Auckland. Dysfunctional, out of proportion.
A city that feels like things are just out of reach.
A short but sweet little solo for the average Joe.
Shani Dickins
Shani Dickins graduated from Unitec in 2011 with a Bachelor of performing and screen arts majoring in contemporary dance.
Since then has performed in and choreographed her own full length works such as Demigod/half Human and Tassel me this in collaboration with Jessie McCall.
Both works participating in Fringe festivals around New Zealand, Tempo dance festival Auckland and Body festal Christchurch.Both works were nominated and received various awards including best dance, best production design and best show of Dunedin Fringe 2015.
She now is chugging along.
Rosa Strati
Poi E – Patea Maori Club
Gutter Black – Hello Sailor

Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2


Destruction. Confusion. It’s all an illusion. The bruises you witness. Body like smashed dishes. Your body still holding, the pain that takes over. Your breathing’s now slower. You’re still fighting, trying to survive.
WOMBmen looks at Domestic Violence in Aotearoa in this day and age. The piece uses a dear friend of mine’s experience (with her permission) with domestic violence as a stimuli for the piece and emphasising moments of the experience for choreographic inspiration.
This piece is a glimpse of hope. 15 strong WOMBmen will take to the stage to create awareness and to pay their respects to those affected by Domestic violence. This piece isn’t made to create answers or a resolution but instead is posed to seek questions and create a way for us to speak of such a topic through dance. The three sections of the piece are named: The ticking bomb, Bruised and Impact.
WOMBmen. The silence is over.
Xavier Breed
I’m a third year student studying for a Bachelor of Dance Studies at the University of Auckland. I had the pleasure of being involved in Short + Sweet in 2014 where I performed the piece ‘OPAQUE’ choreographed by Vivian Hosking-Aue. It is a great feeling to return to Short + Sweet in 2016, now as a choreographer with the aspiration of portraying my ideas and emotions through the bodies of others on stage. It’s great to be back and I’m excited to be showing my work: WOMB-MEN for the first time. Thank you to the dancers who have collaborated with me in this process; for their stories, their time and energy and to my support team such as my parents, friends and tuakana: Sophie Williams, Carol Brown, Teuila Rankin – it means the world to me!!
Amelia Chong
Anna Ennis
Bethany Laycock
Emma Broad
Emma Cosgrave
Evie Logan
Gemma Naidoo
Katie Lavan
Keighley Woodroffe
Olivia Martin
Phoebe Lee
Tayla Coulbeck
Zoë Nicholson -
Soir De Fete – Yann Tiersen
Jump Up – Major Lazer
To Build a Home – Cinematic Orchestra

Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2


We make, we create a layer. We envelop to protect; we cover but not to hide; we shelter; we cloak, shield and embrace. We shroud the self to show the self. Our shroud has no pockets.
Leah Carrell
Leah Carrell is a dance theatre artist currently based in Auckland. Leah has choreographed full length show Ocean Between My Feet (Dunedin, 2013) and co-choreographed Mo(u)ld which premiered at the Dunedin Fringe Festival (2016). Before doing her contemporary dance training at Unitec Leah trained in theatre, dance, and Māori studies at the University of Otago. As an establishing dance theatre artist, Leah is interested in site-specific work, Practice-as-Research, improvisation, and interdisciplinary collaboration -this current project is a cross-over of all these approaches to making movement!
Bridget Carrell is a sewing and craft artist with a particular interest in a sustainable approach to making. She predominantly makes clothes and is learning to design patterns. Her growing interest in the wider possibilities of what and how we can use material makes this project an exciting collaboration between fabric and movement and Bridget looks forward to the future developments of Shroud.
Leah Carrell
Bridget Carrell -
In the Fog – Tim Hecker

Show Your Colour
Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2

Show Your Colour

Belonging to a collective group, company or team brings people together with the others they are involved with. This often leads to the generalizations and stereotypes associated with that group being expected of the members involved. This piece explores the idea of individuality within a collective unified group.
Stephen Hidalgo/IDCO Dancers
I have been choreographing in the Hip Hop genre for about 5 years and through my involvement in the University of Auckland, I’ve been exposed to contemporary dance. I am currently exploring a contemporary and alternative hip hop style of choreography. One of the pieces that i choreographed in this style last year in the Second year choreography paper got selected to be a part of the University of Auckland China Tour 2016.
Stephen Hidalgo
Taitanyk Toniu
Leighton Rangi
Kisha September -
Gun Fingers – Trampa
Things I Do – Trampa
Made of Gold (feat skip&die and Fellow) – Branko
(One More) Silly Bitch – Branko vs Njena Reddd Fox
Step Two (Skism remix) – Laxx
Sell Your Soul (feat Jeff Sontag) – Barely Alive

Passing On
Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2

Passing On

This piece explores the physical act of passing. From one to another. From us to you.
Zoë Nicholson
Zoë Nicholson is in her final year of a bachelor of Dance Studies from Auckland University. She is passionate about developing her choreography and is excited to take part in Short and Sweet 2016. The dancers are also dance students at the University of Auckland.
With thanks to Amelia Chong.
Taitanyk Toniu
Kisha September
Leticia Fortes -
BomBom – Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

I Am Who?
Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2

I Am Who?

I am Who?
If I was…what would I say?
If I could…how would I play?Unheard, our bodies may also say.
Jasmine Donald
Videographer and Edited by Shelton Leong
Sound Assistance by John Rata -
As a recent graduate from the Unitec contemporary dance program, Jasmine is finding her performance language as an independent artist. She is interested in the amalgamation of all artistic mediums, at this point focusing on film, voice and dance.
Jasmine Donald

Four Minutes.
Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2

Four Minutes.

Our work is about time; how perception changes it’s length and forms it into a fluid entity. Even when trying to ignore the impact it has on our lives, it’s impossible to disregard that our lives are firmly rooted in the concept of time.
Charlotte Evans & Helene Burgstaller (Pardon Me Dance Theatre)
Charlotte Evans studied dance at Northern School of Contemporary Dance and London Contemporary Dance School. She currently lives in Raglan and teaches ballet.
Helene Burgstaller studied contemporary dance at Unitec. Since then she’s been freelancing for Waikato Contemporary Dance Trust and Touch Compass Dance Trust. She teaches dance classes in Paeroa.
Both Charlotte and Helene are dance school drop outs. -
Charlotte Evans
Helene Burgstaller
Samir Harith -
Who Knows Where the Time Goes? – Nina Simone

Jin Koo Kim Auckland, Dance-season-2


Earth was created for all life,
not just human life.Life on earth in current times protraits a self-destructive human society in various levels, we all are well informed about it but how many of us are aware enough of our role as individuals? ….Earthlings, is our definition of inhabitants on this planet. It explores in an intimate scale the ability as human beings to listen beyond our ears…Ever wonder what intuition actually is? Well look no further than your skin,the fascial matrix which covers all your muscles, nerves, arteries and veins, organs, bones: in fact every structure in our bodies. It’s the skin of things. Everything needs a skin to contain and support itself.
Fascia is more than just a sensory organ for the body, it is also highly sensitive to the world around us including other people and other forms of life. If we learn to listen to our fascia we can begin to feel its ability to relate to other fascias and understand that life has a different meaning than the one that “society“ wants us to believe. -
Eric Beltran
Eric is a dancer/choreographer. He trained in Berlin and Strasbourg in the fields of instant composition, contemporary movement research and body landscaping. Besides completed his Yoga Teacher Training in India, he also holds a degree in Architecture and Fine Arts.
The main focus of his practice is the application and spatialization of physiological information in the communicative – mostly choreographic – context.
Eric Beltran
Allow Create Release Destroy – Deirdre Tunney