Wherefore Art Thou?

Wherefore Art Thou?

A fixated interpretation of how Act 2, Scene 2 – The Balcony Scene from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, would have looked like without dialogue.
This idea came at a time when I was running low on new material and really wanted to have naps, it was drawing to the end of the term. The attempt to have a nap was unsuccessful as I was up most nights creating movement material, thinking about transitions, music and so much more. I started working with a group of students to see if what I had envisioned looked decent and had potential to work on further. Over the months my vision came to life, with developments here and there and refinements later on – the piece was first showcased at a secondary schools event called “YouDance Festival” earlier this year.
Santana Schmidt
24 and of Samoan descent, I grew up in West Auckland having attended an all girls Catholic school. During my last year of high school my Dance teacher pushed me into auditioning for Urban Youth Movement – a group mentored by Black Grace. Successful, the 3 months changed my perspective on my future. Graduate from the University of Auckland having completed a Bachelor of Dance Studies and Graduate Diploma in Secondary Teaching. My first choreographic break came in 2013 with PDNZ at the Mangere Arts Center. I am currently the Teacher in Charge of Dance at Howick College. Dance has taken me all over the world, experiencing life with a variety of different people who all have inspired some sort of moulding of who I am as a dancer, choreographer, educator and emerging artist – ou te faia.
Xavier Breed
Amelia Chong
Kelly Perfect
Evie Logan
Maria Lealiiee
Keyana Fuiava
Leticia Fortes
Xiaofeng (Sofia) Hu
Kylie Mayall
Samantha Olesen
Keretina Hakaraia -
Track Name
Chill Bill (Instrumental Version) – Rob Stone
Best Day Ever (Instrumental) – Mac Miller
Goldie (Instrumental) – ASAP Rocky
Act 2, Scene 2 The Balcony Scene (Audio) – Romeo & Juliet OST (2013)