Monthly Archives: August 2018

Communal Human
Sums Selvarajan Dance 2019 Season 2, DANCE-2019

Communal Human
Show 2 | 13 – 14 September

We made this between the hours of 2pm and 4pm every Friday with the $23 we had remaining after food and expenses.
Choreographer Sofia McIntyre and Rosa Strati (Auckland, NZ)
Sofia and Rosa are old friends who have danced together, lived together and worked together for over 10 years and still talk.
Sofia McIntyre
Rosa Strati

It Happens to a Lot of People
Sums Selvarajan Theatre 2019 Season 1, THEATRE-2019

It Happens to a Lot of People
Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

When a woman shares her excitement over her long-awaited and much-wanted pregnancy, she is full of fun and joy over motherhood. Happy to let strangers touch her belly, she feels a baby belongs to everyone because we all celebrate new life and potential. When the pregnancy does not quite go to plan, she has to relive the experience and explore the highs as well as the depths of pregnancy. A one-woman show.
Writer Tanya M. Wheeler (Auckland, NZ)
Director Annie Whittaker
ITC Cafe Theatre -
Cafe Theatre, formed in 2018, is proud to present its second play for Short+Sweet, the first ‘Close Enough’, directed by Carl Drake, a cute play about a cat and a kitten observing their humans mating was well received. This years play, directed by Annie Whittaker, is Annie’s second Short & Sweet, having previously directed a play in 2014. Annie has both community and professional experience in theatre in Auckland, and is currently working on projects for Dolphin Theatre, and is an executive member of the Auckland Community Theatre Trust and co-ordinates their SHOWDOWN theatre competition for senior high school students.
Romy Hooper

Double Date
Sums Selvarajan Theatre 2019 Season 2, THEATRE-2019

Double Date
Show 2 | 5 – 7 September

Having met online, Alison and Jamie are meeting irl for the first time. In what becomes an unintentional double date, we are privy to their inner conflict as, without devices to hide behind, they face the terror that is a first date. What could possibly go wrong?
Writer David Osborne
Director Matthew Diesch
ITC Jump Cut
Jump Cut is a new company and Double Date is the first work it has produced. Our ethos is summed up in two questions to determine if a project has been successful: “Did we get something out of making this piece?” and “Did the audience get something out of seeing this piece?”
Terry HooperJocelyn ChristianLauren MiddletonMaxwell NicholsonMatthew Diesch