Manpreet’s Degustation Menu
Show 2 | 5 – 7 September

We humbly welcome you to Manpreet’s Restaurant – the best restaurant in Grey Lynn. Tonight we will be taking you on a gastronomical journey through a delicious degustation menu, whilst simultaneously addressing important subjects that are sure to stimulate discussion and taste buds alike. All presented to you, in the hope of achieving that coveted and elusive fifth Michelin star…
Please note: Our show contains swearing, love, violence, disappointment, sexual themes, exploitation and free sparkling water…
Writers and Directors Tim Booth and Aman Bajaj (Auckland, NZ)
ITC Junglee Productions
The last two years’ Short & Sweet Festival has showcased Aman Bajaj and Tim Booth’s collaboration as writers, directors, wedding night advisors and sexshop owners in the tragi-comedy-drama-satires “Manpreet’s Wedding Night” and “Manpreet’s Spicy Emporium, Life Coach & Business Mentor Pvt Ltd. (PhD)”.Aman’s Junglee Productions premiered at S+S 2014 with the well received ‘Dhotibaba’ , followed by ‘A.I East’ (2015) and the dark satire ‘DejaMoo’ (2016). Tim’s previous S+S contributions have included ‘Footprints to New Zealand’ (2014) and ‘The Marriage Bureau’ (2015) both written with his ‘first wife’ Sharu Delilkan.
Aman BajajRam Manthry