Take The Crown (Part 1)
Show 2 | 5 – 7 September

Take The Crown has arrived to take up space, to be loud, to be proud, and to start a riot. This is a party, a parade and a protest. Do not expect to feel safe.
And ladies? Hold on to your wigs.
The first brick will be thrown at midnight.
Writers Todd Waters (Auckland, NZ)
Director Patrick Graham
Assistant Director Steven Glyde
ITC The Others Club
The Others Club is a production company committed to providing a platform to increase the realistic, empowering representation of marginalised groups and minority communities. They have done this through theatre (Emotional Creature: The Secret Lives of Girls Around The World, Eve Ensler), short documentaries (Lighting The Fire) and live storytelling events (The Watercooler). Take The Crown has been a show that has been tumbling around inside the head of The Others Club founder Todd for 2 years and he’s incredibly touched to have the help of Patrick Graham and Steven Glyde to bring the first excerpt to life!