Show 1 | 1 – 3 September

When you get dressed in the morning, do you think about how the world is going to view you? What does it take to look professional, to look desirable, to fit in with society. What does it take to look like…you? A day in the life of someone trying to answer those questions.
Writers Sarita Das (Auckland,NZ)
Director Sananda Chatterjee (Auckland, NZ)
ITC Rotiboi Productions
Rotiboi Productions is a new initiative that aims to tackle the complexities of race, gender and sexuality through theatre and music. This is their debut piece. Directed by Sananda, who has been with Prayas Theatre NZ since 2005, most recently assisting on their critically acclaimed co-production of A Fine Balance with Auckland Theatre Company. This is her sixth year and seventh show at Short and Sweet Theatre!”
Sarita DasArti KansaraLubomira TzantovJatinder Singh