Shiv Tandava

Shiv Tandava
Show 2 | 14 – 15 September

Khottey Sikkey brings to you Shiv Tandav, in specific, Rudra Tandav which is a vigorous dance that depicts the violent nature of Lord Shiva, first as the creator and later as the destroyer of the universe.
Choreographer Kesha Surti (Auckland, NZ)
Independent Dance Company Khottey Sikkey Dance School -
Khottey Sikkey is a Bollywood Dance School based in Auckland for all age groups. Whilst specialising in Bollywood Freestyle dance style, the school actively incorporates Indian Classical Dance styles and various other dance styles from around the world. Kesha Surti, award winning choreographer is trained in Bharatnatyam and has choreographed for numerous events around Auckland.